We are proud to announce the TOP 3 MEANest BEARDS in the world for 2017. These men were selected by the 10 person MEAN BEARD judge panel, narrowed down from the TOP 12 MEANest BEARDS out of the 126 MEAN BEARD contestants from 23 countries who participated in the 2017 MEANest BEARD Worldwide Contest.
Narrowing down the TOP 12 list to the TOP 3 MEANest BEARDS was a challenge for the judges. The judges unanimously agree that all of the top 12 contestants have exceptional beards, unique in their own way, and they all have a story and a meaning behind their beard that inspires greatness. All top 12 contestants have beards that are a symbol of strength, freedom, truth, patience and perseverance which defines a MEAN BEARD, and they all clearly share the same passion for the beard. Ultimately, the judges will have to determine the one sole winner for the title of the 2017 World's MEANest BEARD. The decision has been made, each judge has cast their vote selecting their top 3 choices out of the top 12, the results have been tabulated.
The TOP 3 MEANest BEARDS of 2017, in alphabetical order by first name are:
Jamie Murphy - Wapato, WA USA - @fastbackbeast68
"Finish Carpenter for the last 20 years. Husband and father of 2 kids. I have a collection of classic Ford Mustangs 65, 66, 67 Coupes and a 68 Fastback. I also have a 1971 Bronco that I am currently working on. I compete in the occasional charity beard competition. I was inspired by the show "Whisker Wars". I knew I could grow an epic kick ass beard like the guys on the show. So I was bound and determined to do so! I've been growing a full natural beard now for 3 1/2+ years, that includes the stache untrimmed and untamed. Beards bring confidence!" - Jamie Murphy
"Yet another big red beard, an immense beard. Obviously, growing a beard requires skill, and clearly Jamie has it as he is also a carpenter by trade. We dig his passion for cars, and his collection of classics sounds awesome. Jamie's got that MEAN attitude, it's when you set a goal and you are bound and determined to accomplish it with great confidence, and you do!" - MEAN BEARD Judge Panel
Mark Dana - Tustin, CA USA - @markhasabeard
"Insurance auditor, tennis competitor, snake collector, animal lover, actor, singer. Love God, love family, put others before self, stand up for the helpless. My beard was always shunned by my peers as I grew up. I was ridiculed my whole life for being hairy. I fought against my beard due to the sadness I felt for being the way I was. Two years ago I said, 'No More' by letting it grow out. Now I am who I was born to be, a bearded man who rose up against his own internal insecurities due to letting others put him down. So I tell you, be who you are, with all you are. Be kind, but be mean to evil." - Mark Dana
"It may not be the longest beard, but it is definitely one of the fullest and most distinct - jet black and perfectly shaped. Mark rose up to his own insecurities due to others putting him down. He stands with purpose, knowing who he is and being proud for who he is. Mark has the MEAN attitude: Be who you are, with all you are. Be kind, but be mean to evil". - MEAN BEARD Judge Panel
Mychael Anders - Grants Pass, OR USA - @mykeanders
"I work at an international air crane company that provides helicopters for fire fighting. In my free time, I use my experience from being a marksman in the military to bring together vets and create networks of support to combat against PTSD. I also spend time with my fiancee and my daughter. Family is always first, but family doesn't mean blood. Camo is thicker than genetic ties. I started growing my beard on June 20th, 2013. I know this because it was my last day in the military. I was medically discharged after sustaining injuries in combat. This led to a purple heart, along with other accolades. After my military career, I operated with a private military corp. called Triple Canopy, where I acted as a personal security specialist. My beard was my way of getting back into the civilian lifestyle." - Mychael Anders
"Mychael's beard is insane. Great red full beard and well maintained. We appreciate Mychael's service and his ex-military background being put to use bringing vets together helping with PTSD, a very important cause. It's interesting to know that growing a beard was a way for Mychael to adapt to fitting back in with society as a civilian." - MEAN BEARD Judge Panel
Look forward to January 17th! The MEAN BEARD judge panel will announce the Winner of the 2017 MEANest BEARD Worldwide Contest. The Winner will claim title as the MEANest BEARD Worldwide Champion.
The champion will be rewarded the MEANest BEARD trophy and a MEAN prize pack valued up to $1,000 which includes beard care products from MEAN BEARD Co., and cool items donated from the contest's sponsors - Elderwood Handcraft, Gonzalez Handmade, One Eyed Cat Crafts, and MEAN Clothing Company.
You can view all 126 contestants and their full stories on MEAN BEARD Instagram or Facebook, or a brief here on the website contest photo gallery.
Feel free to leave a comment below! We'd love to hear your thoughts and who you think should be the Champion 2017 World's MEANest BEARD. We'll be giving away a MEAN size bottle of beard oil on January 17th, choice of scent, to one lucky person who leaves a comment here!
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Nexataf (Тенофовир Алафенамид 25мг) – Нексатаф (Tenofovir Alafenamide) – Аналог Вемлиди/Vemlidy представляет собой лекарственное средство, предназначенное для лечения таких заболеваний, как СПИД инфекция и хронический гепатит В.
Форма выпуска и состав
Выпуск препарата осуществляется в виде таблеток, имеющих на своей поверхности специальную оболочку. Форма таблеток треугольная. Каждая сторона имеет особую гравировку производителя. Выпуск производится пачками в картонных коробках. На Nexataf (Тенофовир Алафенамид 25мг) – Нексатаф (Tenofovir Alafenamide) – Аналог Вемлиди/Vemlidy цена, указанная на нашем сайте, актуальна. Основное вещество препарата – тенофовир дизопроксил фумарат. Среди дополнительных можно отметить: • моногидрат лактозы; • аэросил; • целлюлозу. Оболочка включает в себя такие вещества, как гипромеллоза, а также диоксид титана и краситель железа. Если вы хотите препарат Nexataf (Тенофовир Алафенамид 25мг) – Нексатаф (Tenofovir Alafenamide) – Аналог Вемлиди/Vemlidy купить – оставляйте заявку на сайте.
Препарат прописывают пациентам, страдающим от заболевания ВИЧ инфекции, а также от хронического гепатита В. Если вам показан препарат Nexataf (Тенофовир Алафенамид 25мг) – Нексатаф (Tenofovir Alafenamide) – Аналог Вемлиди/Vemlidy стоимость узнать его и получить ответы на другие вопросы вы можете по телефону.
Случаи передозировки препаратом еще не были зафиксированы, однако, если пациентом была принята повышенная доза, и произошло ухудшение состояния, стоит немедленно обратиться к врачу.
Не рекомендуется осуществлять прием препарата больным: • С почечной недостаточностью; • С имеющимися аллергическими реакциями; • В возрасте до 18 лет; • Женщинам, находящимся на стадии беременности или кормления. • Если параллельно принимается другой курс лекарств.
Побочные действия
Во время курса лечение данным препаратом могут проявиться следующие побочные действия: • Головные боли, ухудшение психического состояния – нервная система. • Боли в животе, тошнота, диарея – желудочно-кишечный тракт. • Аллергические реакции. • Одышка. Также отмечается повышенная утомляемость, сонливость и возможность проявления высыпаний на коже. Если все вышеперечисленное проявляется на первых стадиях, то прием препарата можно продолжить. Если же состояние продолжает ухудшаться, то стоит остановить прием препарата и обратиться за консультацией к врачу. Обычно про Nexataf (Тенофовир Алафенамид 25мг) – Нексатаф (Tenofovir Alafenamide) – Аналог Вемлиди/Vemlidy отзывы пациенту оставляют положительные.
Хранение и продажа
Препарат рекомендуется хранить в сухом и недоступном для детей месте. Срок годности лекарственного средства составляет два года. Продажа осуществляется по рецепту врача, поэтому прежде, чем идти в аптеку за лекарством, нужно сначала посетить больницу, сдать все необходимые анализы, пройти обследование и получить курс лечения с соответствующим рецептом от врача. На протяжении всего курса лечения необходимо регулярно проходить дополнительные обследования. В результате врачом может быть понижена дозировка препарата или замена его на аналог в случае, если никаких изменений в организме не происходит
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