Contestants 65 to 72 - The MEANest BEARD Worldwide Contest

Contestants 65 to 72 in the 2019 MEANest BEARD Worldwide Contest


It's not only the Beard, it's the Attitude.  

Contestants will be added to the Photo Gallery throughout the duration of the contest. Due to the high volume of entries, we will group the entries into collages of 8 and post on separate blog entries. 

We are giving away a MEAN PRIZE pack valued at $100 to one lucky voter-commenter on our blog after December 15th!

 Who is your favourite MEAN BEARD?

Vote now by leaving your comment below.


Contestants 65 to 72 in the 2019 MEANest BEARD Worldwide Contest

First Name Lee
Last Name Fenwick
Instagram Username Anslow
Hometown Bloomfield
State/Province/Region: CT
Country United States
Bearded Since: 2012
Tell Us A Bit About Yourself. (Career, Hobbies, Interests) Personal trainer who became a trainer after losing 50lbs and wanted to change lives through helping people through their workout journey. Singer, potter, print maker and of course slightly beard obsessed!!
What's Your Motto / What Do You Stand For? Be Authentic
Tell Us Why You Have The MEANEST Beard? (Share An Interesting Story Behind Your Beard. We Want To Know Who The Man Behind The Beard Is.) I love, when on a daily basis, someone will come up to me and ask me how long have I been growing my beard or they will compliment my beard. It gives me a chance to talk to someone who I might never talk to if I didn't have a beard. There's a yearning for all of us to have these personal connections. It shows our humanity even if it's for just a moment. These connections make me want to continue to grow my beard even longer, bigger and meaner!!



Contestants 65 to 72 in the 2019 MEANest BEARD Worldwide Contest

First Name Bruce
Last Name Hollon
Instagram Username
Hometown Nancy
State/Province/Region: Kentucky
Country USA
Bearded Since: Manly
Tell Us A Bit About Yourself. (Career, Hobbies, Interests) The things that make me are custom hot rods, skateboarding, art, collecting antique barbershop stuff, wearing vans shoes and skateboarding since 1983. Retired from the Army this year. God, family, country. Music that makes me wanna thrash! Finally growing a beard after having to shave for the military.
What's Your Motto / What Do You Stand For? Walk like a king or walk like you don't care who the king is.
Tell Us Why You Have The MEANEST Beard? (Share An Interesting Story Behind Your Beard. We Want To Know Who The Man Behind The Beard Is.) The story of an epic beard growth. Well, after 24 years of military service, I finally get to let this epic beard grow. Yeah it's not a long wizard beard, but how many beards have a mustache that has a name. I call it "The distractor". Plus it's still growing no plans on cutting it. Just maintaining.


Contestants 65 to 72 in the 2019 MEANest BEARD Worldwide Contest

First Name Kristopher
Last Name Fink
Instagram Username Hets_13
Hometown Edmonton
State/Province/Region: AB
Country Canada
Bearded Since: 2004
Tell Us A Bit About Yourself. (Career, Hobbies, Interests) I'm a 37 year old building operator from chilly Canada so the beard isn't just a good look it's required! I love playing the drums, and photography!
What's Your Motto / What Do You Stand For? My beard is not a trend!
Tell Us Why You Have The MEANEST Beard? (Share An Interesting Story Behind Your Beard. We Want To Know Who The Man Behind The Beard Is.) Not much of a story, I literally started growing facial hair as soon as I possibly could, mostly because my dad always had facial hair and the dudes my hero! Also I may or may not lack chin lol


Contestants 65 to 72 in the 2019 MEANest BEARD Worldwide Contest

First Name Daniel
Last Name Vizitiu
Instagram Username @bearded_romanian_oak
Hometown Hebron
State/Province/Region: Kentucky
Country United States
Bearded Since: 2015
Tell Us A Bit About Yourself. (Career, Hobbies, Interests) I am an Aircraft Mechanic by trade. Spent 10yrs active duty in the US Air Force as a F-15 Fighter mech and now I Specialize on Boeing platforms. I enjoy bodybuilding, snowboarding, playing videogames, reading(scifi/fantasy), I'm a massive dragonball fan and collector and I love all thing Disney. I am a gearhead who rides a 2016 Victory Highball and owns a built 1994 Toyota Supra Turbo.
What's Your Motto / What Do You Stand For? The problem with being an adult most of your life is not having been a child long enough. Never forget your inner kid. He always knows how to have fun
Tell Us Why You Have The MEANEST Beard? (Share An Interesting Story Behind Your Beard. We Want To Know Who The Man Behind The Beard Is.) Growing up in poverty taught me very early in life to never become a victim of my circumstances. If my childhood taught me anything it's to fight for what I want. Its because of this that I have a great job, a beautiful wife, and expecting our first baby in June! Not to mention, the wife is the mastermind behind my epic beard. She encouraged it from day 1! Before that I was always clean shaven!


Contestants 65 to 72 in the 2019 MEANest BEARD Worldwide Contest

First Name Pawan
Last Name Singh
Instagram Username __mr._beardo__
Hometown Vadodara
State/Province/Region: Gujarat
Country India
Bearded Since: 5th July 2018
Tell Us A Bit About Yourself. (Career, Hobbies, Interests) I am AI researcher and I like bike riding and cooking, future data scientist.
What's Your Motto / What Do You Stand For? Aware people about benefits of beard in India.
Tell Us Why You Have The MEANEST Beard? (Share An Interesting Story Behind Your Beard. We Want To Know Who The Man Behind The Beard Is.) I am a ex NCC cadet till that time I use to make my face clean shaved because of the army rules and after NCC I was selected for military trainer after three years working as a trainer I've started to like beard. Because a person who is bearded is look different in crowd and society. For growing beard I left the work of trainer and started growing my beard. My family members are keep telling me to cut beard and many other thing but I didn't.


Contestants 65 to 72 in the 2019 MEANest BEARD Worldwide Contest

First Name Joe
Last Name Butcher
Instagram Username @el_butchador
Hometown San Antonio
State/Province/Region: Texas
Country USA
Bearded Since: 2013
Tell Us A Bit About Yourself. (Career, Hobbies, Interests) I'm work as an accountant, but I do woodworking on the side. I like to go to the shooting range, bowling, and playing D&D with friends.
What's Your Motto / What Do You Stand For? Do the right thing, even if it gets you in trouble.
Tell Us Why You Have The MEANEST Beard? (Share An Interesting Story Behind Your Beard. We Want To Know Who The Man Behind The Beard Is.) Start going my beard back in Oct. 2013 to support the Boston Red Sox in the World Series. Since then I've never taken it off.


Contestants 65 to 72 in the 2019 MEANest BEARD Worldwide Contest

First Name Spikey
Last Name Mike
Instagram Username _spikeymike
Hometown West Springfield
State/Province/Region: MA
Country USA
Bearded Since: 2013
Tell Us A Bit About Yourself. (Career, Hobbies, Interests) I've been a member of the Western Mass Whisker Society for the past four years, and recently started my own group called Beer with Beards, which meets once a month at a local brewery. I am a craft beer fan, and if I'm not at a bearding event, I'm probably at a brewery. I love movies, in particular Star Wars and any Kevin Smith film, one of which inspired me to dress up as Silent Bob for beard comps. Monday through Friday I work as a shipper for a machine shop. I'm very grateful to be a part of the beard community!
What's Your Motto / What Do You Stand For? Live your life. Not someone else's.
Tell Us Why You Have The MEANEST Beard? (Share An Interesting Story Behind Your Beard. We Want To Know Who The Man Behind The Beard Is.) As a freestyle competitor, I like to think that I style my beard according to how I'm feeling. If my beard isn't styled, then I'm relaxed. When I style my beard for a comp, the one thing you'll always see are my signature spikes through the gauges in my ears.
Contestants 65 to 72 in the 2019 MEANest BEARD Worldwide Contest
First Name Kevin
Last Name Endres
Instagram Username beardedminister2
Hometown Cleveland
State/Province/Region: Ohio
Country USA
Bearded Since: 2013
Tell Us A Bit About Yourself. (Career, Hobbies, Interests) I am a power lifter, musician, father, wrestling coach and teacher.
What's Your Motto / What Do You Stand For? Hard work conquers all!
Tell Us Why You Have The MEANEST Beard? (Share An Interesting Story Behind Your Beard. We Want To Know Who The Man Behind The Beard Is.) I started growing my beard in 2013 as a way to raise awareness for autism. I switched quickly to raising awareness for a rare disease known as Amyloidosis. My mother-in-law had the disease and it took her life when my wife was in high school. This changed her life completely so I try to keep her memory alive with my wife's efforts in hopes others do not experience the same.

It's not only the Beard, it's the Attitude.  

Contestants will be added to the Photo Gallery throughout the duration of the contest. Due to the high volume of entries, we will group the entries into collages of 8 and post on separate blog entries. 

We are giving away a MEAN PRIZE pack valued at $100 to one lucky voter-commenter on our blog after December 15th!

 Who is your favourite MEAN BEARD?

Vote now by leaving your comment below!

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  • Great beard

    Lee Fenwick
  • Lee Fenwick!!

  • Lee Fenwick

    Shannon Harrison

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